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  • 1题:
    in thE 1920s, DEmAnD ForAmEriCAn FArm proDuCts FEll, AsEuropEAn CountriEs BEgAn to rECovEr From worlD wAr ⅰ AnD institutED AustErity (紧缩) progrAms to rEDuCE thEir imports. thE rEsult wAs A shArp Drop in FArm priCEs. this pErioD wAs morE DisAstrous For FArmErs thAn EArliEr timEs hAD BEEn, BECAusE FArmErs wErE no longEr sElF-suFFiCiEnt. thEy wErE pAying For mAChinEry, sEED, AnD FErtilizEr, AnD thEy wErE Also Buying ConsumEr gooDs. thE priCEs oF thE itEms FArmErs Bought rEmAinED ConstAnt, whilE pri
  • 2题:
    "thErE is A sEnsElEss notion thAt ChilDrEn grow up AnD lEAvE homE whEn thEy’rE 18, AnD thE truth is FAr From thAt," sAys soCiologist lArryBumpAss oF thE univErsity oF wisConsin. toDAy, unExpECtED numBErs oF young ADults ArE living with thEir pArEnts. "thErE is A mAjor shiFt in thE miDDlE ClAss," DEClArEs soCiologistAllEn sChnAiBErg oF northwEstErn univErsity, whosE son, 19, movED BACk in AFtEr An ABsEnCE oF Eight months.
    AnAlysts CitE A vAriEty oF rEAsons For this rEturn to thE nEst. thE mAr
  • 3题:
    in thE 1920s, DEmAnD ForAmEriCAn FArm proDuCts FEll, AsEuropEAn CountriEs BEgAn to rECovEr From worlD wAr ⅰ AnD institutED AustErity (紧缩) progrAms to rEDuCE thEir imports. thE rEsult wAs A shArp Drop in FArm priCEs. this pErioD wAs morE DisAstrous For FArmErs thAn EArliEr timEs hAD BEEn, BECAusE FArmErs wErE no longEr sElF-suFFiCiEnt. thEy wErE pAying For mAChinEry, sEED, AnD FErtilizEr, AnD thEy wErE Also Buying ConsumEr gooDs. thE priCEs oF thE itEms FArmErs Bought rEmAinED ConstAnt, whilE pri
  • 4题:
    in thE 1920s, DEmAnD ForAmEriCAn FArm proDuCts FEll, AsEuropEAn CountriEs BEgAn to rECovEr From worlD wAr ⅰ AnD institutED AustErity (紧缩) progrAms to rEDuCE thEir imports. thE rEsult wAs A shArp Drop in FArm priCEs. this pErioD wAs morE DisAstrous For FArmErs thAn EArliEr timEs hAD BEEn, BECAusE FArmErs wErE no longEr sElF-suFFiCiEnt. thEy wErE pAying For mAChinEry, sEED, AnD FErtilizEr, AnD thEy wErE Also Buying ConsumEr gooDs. thE priCEs oF thE itEms FArmErs Bought rEmAinED ConstAnt, whilE pri
  • 5题:
    whEthEr thE EyEs ArE "thE winDows oF thE soul" is DEBAtABlE, thAt thEy ArE intEnsEly importAnt in intErpErsonAl CommuniCAtion is A FACt.During thE First two months oF A BABy’s liFE, thE stimulus thAt proDuCEs A smilE is A pAir oF EyEs. thE EyEs nEED not BE rEAl: A mAsk with two Dots will proDuCE A smilE. signiFiCAntly, A rEAl humAn FACE with EyEs CovErED will not motivAtE A smilE, nor will thE sight oF only onE EyE whEn thE FACE is prEsEntED in proFilE. this AttrACtion to EyEs As opposED to thE
  • 6题:
    whEthEr thE EyEs ArE "thE winDows oF thE soul" is DEBAtABlE, thAt thEy ArE intEnsEly importAnt in intErpErsonAl CommuniCAtion is A FACt.During thE First two months oF A BABy’s liFE, thE stimulus thAt proDuCEs A smilE is A pAir oF EyEs. thE EyEs nEED not BE rEAl: A mAsk with two Dots will proDuCE A smilE. signiFiCAntly, A rEAl humAn FACE with EyEs CovErED will not motivAtE A smilE, nor will thE sight oF only onE EyE whEn thE FACE is prEsEntED in proFilE. this AttrACtion to EyEs As opposED to thE