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  • 1题:
    ADo you wAnt to gEt homE From work knowing you hAvE mADE A rEAl DiFFErEnCE in somEonE’s liFE iF yEs, Don’t CArE ABout sEx or AgE!ComE AnD join us, thEn you’ll mAkE it!position: voluntEEr soCiAlCArEAssistAnt(no pAy with FrEE mEAls)plACE: mAnChEstErhours: pArt timEwE ArE now looking For voluntEErs to support pEoplE with lEArning DisABilitiEs to livE ACtivE livEs! only 4 DAys lEFt.Don’t miss thE ChAnCE oF lEnDing your wArm hAnDs to hElp othErs!rolE:you will proviDE pEoplE with lEArning DisABilitiEs
  • 2题:
    B、 in 1943, whEn i wAs 4, my pArEnts movED FromCoEur D’AlEnE, iDAho, to FAirBAnks,AlAskA, whErE ADvEnturE wAs nEvEr FAr AwAy.wE ArrivED in thE summEr, just in timE to Enjoy thE miDnight sun.All thAt sunlight wAs FAntAstiC For mom’s vEgEtABlE gArDEn. working in thE gArDEn At miDnight tEnDED to throw hEr timing oFF, so shE DiDn’t CArE muCh ABout my BEDtimE. DAD wAs A rAilwAyExprEss AgEnt AnD mom wAs his ClErk. thAt lEFt mE in A mEss. i usuAlly mAnAgED to FinD somE trouBlE to gEt into. onCE i hAD
  • 3题:
    ADo you wAnt to gEt homE From work knowing you hAvE mADE A rEAl DiFFErEnCE in somEonE’s liFE iF yEs, Don’t CArE ABout sEx or AgE!ComE AnD join us, thEn you’ll mAkE it!position: voluntEEr soCiAlCArEAssistAnt(no pAy with FrEE mEAls)plACE: mAnChEstErhours: pArt timEwE ArE now looking For voluntEErs to support pEoplE with lEArning DisABilitiEs to livE ACtivE livEs! only 4 DAys lEFt.Don’t miss thE ChAnCE oF lEnDing your wArm hAnDs to hElp othErs!rolE:you will proviDE pEoplE with lEArning DisABilitiEs
  • 4题:
    B、 in 1943, whEn i wAs 4, my pArEnts movED FromCoEur D’AlEnE, iDAho, to FAirBAnks,AlAskA, whErE ADvEnturE wAs nEvEr FAr AwAy.wE ArrivED in thE summEr, just in timE to Enjoy thE miDnight sun.All thAt sunlight wAs FAntAstiC For mom’s vEgEtABlE gArDEn. working in thE gArDEn At miDnight tEnDED to throw hEr timing oFF, so shE DiDn’t CArE muCh ABout my BEDtimE. DAD wAs A rAilwAyExprEss AgEnt AnD mom wAs his ClErk. thAt lEFt mE in A mEss. i usuAlly mAnAgED to FinD somE trouBlE to gEt into. onCE i hAD
  • 5题:
    ADo you wAnt to gEt homE From work knowing you hAvE mADE A rEAl DiFFErEnCE in somEonE’s liFE iF yEs, Don’t CArE ABout sEx or AgE!ComE AnD join us, thEn you’ll mAkE it!position: voluntEEr soCiAlCArEAssistAnt(no pAy with FrEE mEAls)plACE: mAnChEstErhours: pArt timEwE ArE now looking For voluntEErs to support pEoplE with lEArning DisABilitiEs to livE ACtivE livEs! only 4 DAys lEFt.Don’t miss thE ChAnCE oF lEnDing your wArm hAnDs to hElp othErs!rolE:you will proviDE pEoplE with lEArning DisABilitiEs
  • 6题: