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  • 1题:
    thE lAw sAys thAt womEn shoulD hAvE thE ChAnCE oF Doing thE sAmE joBs As mEn AnD EArn thE sAmE As thEm.
    thE rEAlity is vEry DiFFErEnt. womEn losE BECAusE, 25 yEArs AFtEr thEEquAl pAyACt, mAny oF thEm still gEt pAiD lEss thAn mEn.
    thEy losE BECAusE thEy Do lowEr-pAiD joBs whiCh mEn just won’ t ConsiDEr.AnD thEy losE BE- CAusE thEy ArE thE onEs who intErrupt A CArEEr to hAvE ChilDrEn.
    All this is rEportED in An inDEpEnDEnt stuDy orDErED By thE govErnmEnt’s womEn’s un
  • 2题:
    it wAs thE summEr oF 1965.DEluCA, thEn 17, visitED pEtErBuCk, A FAmily FriEnD、BuCk AskEDDEluCA ABout his plAns For thE FuturE. "i’m going to CollEgE, But i nEED A wAy to pAy For it,"DEluEA rECAlls sAying. "BuCk sAiD,’ you shoulD opEn A sAnDwiCh shop. ’"
    thAt AFtErnoon, thEy AgrEED to BE pArtnErs.AnD thEy sEt A goAl: to opEn 32 storEs in tEn yEArs.AFtEr Doing somE rEsEArCh,BuCk wrotE A ChECk For $ 1,000.DEluCA rEntED A storEFront (店面) inConnECtiCut, AnD whEn thEy CoulDn’t
  • 3题:
    "in only six DAys i lost sEvEn pounDs oF wEight."
    "two Full inChEs in thE First thrEE DAys!"
    thEsE ArE thE kinDs oF stAtEmEnts usED in mAgAzinE, nEwspApEr, rADio AnD tElEvision ADs, promising nEw shApEs AnD nEw looks to thosE who Buy thE mEDiCinE or thE DEviCE. thE promotErs oF proDuCts sAy thEy CAn shApE thE lEgs, slim thE FACE, smooth wrinklEs, or in somE othEr wAys to ADD to BEAuty or DEsirABility.
    oFtEn suCh proDuCts ArE nothing morE thAn monEy-mAking things For thE
  • 4题:
    it hAD BEEn somE timE sinCE jACk hAD sEEn thE olD mAn.CollEgE, CArriEr, AnD liFE itsElF got in thE wAy. in FACt, jACk movED ClEAr ACross thE Country in pursuit oF thE DrEAms. thErE, in thE rush oF his Busy liFE, jACk hAD littlE timE to think ABout thE pAst AnD oFtEn no timE to spEnD with his wiFE AnD son. hE wAs working on his FuturE, AnD nothing CoulD stop him.
    ovEr thE phonE, his mothEr tolD him, "mr.BElsEr DiED lAst night. thE FunErAl is wEDnEsDAy. " mEmoriEs FlAshED thr
  • 5题:
    "in only six DAys i lost sEvEn pounDs oF wEight."
    "two Full inChEs in thE First thrEE DAys!"
    thEsE ArE thE kinDs oF stAtEmEnts usED in mAgAzinE, nEwspApEr, rADio AnD tElEvision ADs, promising nEw shApEs AnD nEw looks to thosE who Buy thE mEDiCinE or thE DEviCE. thE promotErs oF proDuCts sAy thEy CAn shApE thE lEgs, slim thE FACE, smooth wrinklEs, or in somE othEr wAys to ADD to BEAuty or DEsirABility.
    oFtEn suCh proDuCts ArE nothing morE thAn monEy-mAking things For thE