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  • 1题:
    In the first paragraph, the author tells us that ______.
    A.historical study of phrases using bull as an image
    B.bears and bulls are not friends of humans
    C.bulls are powerful animals and people associate them with certain feelings
    D.bears and bulls used to be worshipped by primitive people
  • 2题:
    It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
    A.in some societies, people's behaviors are not governed by cultural codes
    B.there are still societies whose cultural codes still remain a mystery to us
    C.once people accept a cultural code, they' 11 have a full understanding of their behavior
    D.the Open and Closed Mind exerts great impact on people' s behavior
  • 3题:
    We acquire the greater part of our cultural codes by ______.
    A.creating a universe of discourse
    B.imitating the behavior of others, especially those of the previous generation
    C.sharing the same experiences with other people
    D.taking in the various information we are given with no discrimination
  • 4题:
    In the modem society today, ______.
    A.people in the same society may be governed by different cultural codes
    B.the influence of cultural codes on an individual may decrease as he becomes older
    C.cultural codes are passed on from one generation to another either in written form or in oral form or in both
    D.cultural codes in different cultures may differ sharply from one another
  • 5题:
    What does "the grammar of any culture" refer to ( Line 10, Para. 1 )
    A.The grammatical rules in the language used by the largest population in a culture.
    B.Rules in a culture that can be modeled on by another culture.
    C.Any rules that people in a culture receive throughout his lifetime.
    D.Rules and codes that shape one's cultural perspective and behavior.
  • 6题:
    By reading The Open and Closed Mind, we may ______.
    A.find a' way of solving the Denny Doodlebug problem
    B.realize how little we know about the complexity of human behavior
    C.bring to light codes of some societies which we didn' t know before
    D.be aware of the difficulties of communications between different cultures