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  • 1题:
    CompArisons wErE DrAwn BEtwEEn thE DEvElopmEnt oF tElEvision in thE 20th CEntury AnD thE DiFFusion oF printing in thE 15th AnD 16th CEnturiEs. yEt muCh hAD hAppEnED BEtwEEn.As wAs DisCussED BEForE, it wAs not until thE 19th CEntury thAt thE nEwspApEr BECAmE thE DominAnt prEElECtroniC mEDiAm, Following in thE wAkE oF thE pAmphlEt AnD thE Book AnD in thE CompAny oF thE pErioDiCAl. it wAs During thE sAmE timE thAt thE CommuniCAtions rEvolution spEEDED up, BEginning with trAnsport, thE rAilwAy, AnD
  • 2题:
    CompArisons wErE DrAwn BEtwEEn thE DEvElopmEnt oF tElEvision in thE 20th CEntury AnD thE DiFFusion oF printing in thE 15th AnD 16th CEnturiEs. yEt muCh hAD hAppEnED BEtwEEn.As wAs DisCussED BEForE, it wAs not until thE 19th CEntury thAt thE nEwspApEr BECAmE thE DominAnt prEElECtroniC mEDiAm, Following in thE wAkE oF thE pAmphlEt AnD thE Book AnD in thE CompAny oF thE pErioDiCAl. it wAs During thE sAmE timE thAt thE CommuniCAtions rEvolution spEEDED up, BEginning with trAnsport, thE rAilwAy, AnD
  • 3题:
    CompArisons wErE DrAwn BEtwEEn thE DEvElopmEnt oF tElEvision in thE 20th CEntury AnD thE DiFFusion oF printing in thE 15th AnD 16th CEnturiEs. yEt muCh hAD hAppEnED BEtwEEn.As wAs DisCussED BEForE, it wAs not until thE 19th CEntury thAt thE nEwspApEr BECAmE thE DominAnt prEElECtroniC mEDiAm, Following in thE wAkE oF thE pAmphlEt AnD thE Book AnD in thE CompAny oF thE pErioDiCAl. it wAs During thE sAmE timE thAt thE CommuniCAtions rEvolution spEEDED up, BEginning with trAnsport, thE rAilwAy, AnD