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  • 1题:
    In An olD town livED A mErChAnt. HE EArnEDhugE proFits By FAir mEAns AnD Foul 恶劣的). With morE proFitsFlowing in, hE BECAmE morE AnD morE ___56___ . HE ComplAinED whEn hiswiFE wAntED monEy to___57___ thE homE. HE CritiCizED hEr whEn shEprEpArED___58___ DishEsor Bought ExpEnsivE ClothEs."MonEy DoEsn’t grow on trEEs." hE___59___ his ChilDrEn whEn thEy AskED For monEy to Buy Books AnD nEw DrEssEs.WhEn his sistErs, BrothErs AnD Cousins CAmE to Ask For ___60___, hE DrovE thEm AwAy.___61___ hE grEwriCh
  • 2题:
    In An olD town livED A mErChAnt. HE EArnEDhugE proFits By FAir mEAns AnD Foul 恶劣的). With morE proFitsFlowing in, hE BECAmE morE AnD morE ___56___ . HE ComplAinED whEn hiswiFE wAntED monEy to___57___ thE homE. HE CritiCizED hEr whEn shEprEpArED___58___ DishEsor Bought ExpEnsivE ClothEs."MonEy DoEsn’t grow on trEEs." hE___59___ his ChilDrEn whEn thEy AskED For monEy to Buy Books AnD nEw DrEssEs.WhEn his sistErs, BrothErs AnD Cousins CAmE to Ask For ___60___, hE DrovE thEm AwAy.___61___ hE grEwriCh
  • 3题:
    In An olD town livED A mErChAnt. HE EArnEDhugE proFits By FAir mEAns AnD Foul 恶劣的). With morE proFitsFlowing in, hE BECAmE morE AnD morE ___56___ . HE ComplAinED whEn hiswiFE wAntED monEy to___57___ thE homE. HE CritiCizED hEr whEn shEprEpArED___58___ DishEsor Bought ExpEnsivE ClothEs."MonEy DoEsn’t grow on trEEs." hE___59___ his ChilDrEn whEn thEy AskED For monEy to Buy Books AnD nEw DrEssEs.WhEn his sistErs, BrothErs AnD Cousins CAmE to Ask For ___60___, hE DrovE thEm AwAy.___61___ hE grEwriCh
  • 4题:
    In An olD town livED A mErChAnt. HE EArnEDhugE proFits By FAir mEAns AnD Foul 恶劣的). With morE proFitsFlowing in, hE BECAmE morE AnD morE ___56___ . HE ComplAinED whEn hiswiFE wAntED monEy to___57___ thE homE. HE CritiCizED hEr whEn shEprEpArED___58___ DishEsor Bought ExpEnsivE ClothEs."MonEy DoEsn’t grow on trEEs." hE___59___ his ChilDrEn whEn thEy AskED For monEy to Buy Books AnD nEw DrEssEs.WhEn his sistErs, BrothErs AnD Cousins CAmE to Ask For ___60___, hE DrovE thEm AwAy.___61___ hE grEwriCh
  • 5题:
    In An olD town livED A mErChAnt. HE EArnEDhugE proFits By FAir mEAns AnD Foul 恶劣的). With morE proFitsFlowing in, hE BECAmE morE AnD morE ___56___ . HE ComplAinED whEn hiswiFE wAntED monEy to___57___ thE homE. HE CritiCizED hEr whEn shEprEpArED___58___ DishEsor Bought ExpEnsivE ClothEs."MonEy DoEsn’t grow on trEEs." hE___59___ his ChilDrEn whEn thEy AskED For monEy to Buy Books AnD nEw DrEssEs.WhEn his sistErs, BrothErs AnD Cousins CAmE to Ask For ___60___, hE DrovE thEm AwAy.___61___ hE grEwriCh
  • 6题:
    In An olD town livED A mErChAnt. HE EArnEDhugE proFits By FAir mEAns AnD Foul 恶劣的). With morE proFitsFlowing in, hE BECAmE morE AnD morE ___56___ . HE ComplAinED whEn hiswiFE wAntED monEy to___57___ thE homE. HE CritiCizED hEr whEn shEprEpArED___58___ DishEsor Bought ExpEnsivE ClothEs."MonEy DoEsn’t grow on trEEs." hE___59___ his ChilDrEn whEn thEy AskED For monEy to Buy Books AnD nEw DrEssEs.WhEn his sistErs, BrothErs AnD Cousins CAmE to Ask For ___60___, hE DrovE thEm AwAy.___61___ hE grEwriCh