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  • 1题:
    how shoulD onE invEst A sum oF monEy in thEsE DAys oF inFlAtion lEFt in A BAnk it will hArDly kEEp its vAluE, howEvEr high thE intErEst rAtE is. only A BrAvE mAn, or A vEry riCh onE, DArEs to Buy AnD sEll on thE stoCk mArkEt. toDAy it sEEms thAt onE oF thE BEst wAys to protECt your sAvings, AnD EvEn inCrEAsE your wEAlth is to Buy BEAutiFul oBjECts From thE pAst. hErE i Am going to oFFEr somE ADviCE on CollECting AntiquE CloCks, whiCh i pErsonAlly ConsiDEr ArE Among thE most intErE
  • 2题:
    rAnCh. it wAs nEAr losAngElEs inCAliForniA、A、FEw yEArs lAtEr hollywooD wAs onE oF thE FAmous plACEs in thE worl
    D、At thE BEginning oF thE 20th CEntury thErE wAs A Big FArm CAllED hollywoo
    D、From thE 1910’s to thE 1950’s, hollywooD wAs thE Film CEntEr oF thE worl
    EvEry FAmily knEw thE nAmEs oF its Film stArs——ChArliEChAplin, grEtA gArBo,BErgmAn AnD hunDrEDs morE.
    thE rEAson why pEoplE wEnt to hollywooD to mAkE Films wAs thE sun.At First, pEoplE mADE Films in n
  • 3题:
    with only ABout 1,000 pAnDAs lEFt in thE worlD,ChinA is DEspErAtEly trying to ClonE thE AnimAl AnD sAvE thE EnDAngErED spECiEs. thAt’s A movE similAr to whAt A tExAsA&m univErsity rEsEArChEr hAs BEEn unDErtAking For thE pAst FivE yEArs in A projECt CAllED "noAh’sArk".
    Dr.DuAnE krAEmEr, A proFEssor in tExAsA、& m’sCollEgE oF vEtErinAry mEDiCinE AnD A pionEEr in EmBryo(胚胎) trAnsFEr work AnD rElAtED proCEDurEs, sAys hE sAlutEs thEChinEsE EFFort AnD" i wish thEm All thE BEst suCCEs
  • 4题:
    how shoulD onE invEst A sum oF monEy in thEsE DAys oF inFlAtion lEFt in A BAnk it will hArDly kEEp its vAluE, howEvEr high thE intErEst rAtE is. only A BrAvE mAn, or A vEry riCh onE, DArEs to Buy AnD sEll on thE stoCk mArkEt. toDAy it sEEms thAt onE oF thE BEst wAys to protECt your sAvings, AnD EvEn inCrEAsE your wEAlth is to Buy BEAutiFul oBjECts From thE pAst. hErE i Am going to oFFEr somE ADviCE on CollECting AntiquE CloCks, whiCh i pErsonAlly ConsiDEr ArE Among thE most intErE
  • 5题:
    rAnCh. it wAs nEAr losAngElEs inCAliForniA、A、FEw yEArs lAtEr hollywooD wAs onE oF thE FAmous plACEs in thE worl
    D、At thE BEginning oF thE 20th CEntury thErE wAs A Big FArm CAllED hollywoo
    D、From thE 1910’s to thE 1950’s, hollywooD wAs thE Film CEntEr oF thE worl
    EvEry FAmily knEw thE nAmEs oF its Film stArs——ChArliEChAplin, grEtA gArBo,BErgmAn AnD hunDrEDs morE.
    thE rEAson why pEoplE wEnt to hollywooD to mAkE Films wAs thE sun.At First, pEoplE mADE Films in n
  • 6题:
    with only ABout 1,000 pAnDAs lEFt in thE worlD,ChinA is DEspErAtEly trying to ClonE thE AnimAl AnD sAvE thE EnDAngErED spECiEs. thAt’s A movE similAr to whAt A tExAsA&m univErsity rEsEArChEr hAs BEEn unDErtAking For thE pAst FivE yEArs in A projECt CAllED "noAh’sArk".
    Dr.DuAnE krAEmEr, A proFEssor in tExAsA、& m’sCollEgE oF vEtErinAry mEDiCinE AnD A pionEEr in EmBryo(胚胎) trAnsFEr work AnD rElAtED proCEDurEs, sAys hE sAlutEs thEChinEsE EFFort AnD" i wish thEm All thE BEst suCCEs