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  • 1题:
    sCiEnCE is A DominAnt thEmE in our CulturE. sinCE it touChEs Almost EvEry FACEt oF our liFE, EDuCAtED pEoplE nEED At lEAst somE ACquAintAnCE with its struCturE AnD opErAtion. thEy shoulD Also hAvE An unDErstAnDing oF thE suBCulturE in whiCh sCiEntists livE AnD thE kinDs oF pEoplE thEy ArE.An unDErstAnDing oF gEnErAl ChArACtEristiCs oF sCiEnCE As wEll As spECiFiC sCiEntiFiC ConCEpts is EAsiEr to AttAin iF onE knows somEthing ABout thE things thAt ExCitE AnD FrustrAtE thE sCiEntist.<
  • 2题:
    sCiEnCE is A DominAnt thEmE in our CulturE. sinCE it touChEs Almost EvEry FACEt oF our liFE, EDuCAtED pEoplE nEED At lEAst somE ACquAintAnCE with its struCturE AnD opErAtion. thEy shoulD Also hAvE An unDErstAnDing oF thE suBCulturE in whiCh sCiEntists livE AnD thE kinDs oF pEoplE thEy ArE.An unDErstAnDing oF gEnErAl ChArACtEristiCs oF sCiEnCE As wEll As spECiFiC sCiEntiFiC ConCEpts is EAsiEr to AttAin iF onE knows somEthing ABout thE things thAt ExCitE AnD FrustrAtE thE sCiEntist.<
  • 3题:
    "in only six ClAys i lost sEvEn pounDs oF wEight. "
    "two Full inChEs in thE First thrEE DAys!"
    thEsE ArE thE kinDs oF stAtEmEnts usED in mAgAzinE, nEwspApEr, rADio AnD tElEvision ADs. , promising nEw shApEs AnD nEw looks to thosE who Buy thE mEDiCinE or thE DEviCE. thE promotErs oF proDuCts sAy thEy CAn shApE thE lEgs, slim thE FACE, smooth wrinklEs, or in somE othEr wAys to ADD to BEAuty or DEsirABility.
    oFtEn suCh proDuCts ArE nothing morE thAn monEy-mAking things For
  • 4题:
    "in only six ClAys i lost sEvEn pounDs oF wEight. "
    "two Full inChEs in thE First thrEE DAys!"
    thEsE ArE thE kinDs oF stAtEmEnts usED in mAgAzinE, nEwspApEr, rADio AnD tElEvision ADs. , promising nEw shApEs AnD nEw looks to thosE who Buy thE mEDiCinE or thE DEviCE. thE promotErs oF proDuCts sAy thEy CAn shApE thE lEgs, slim thE FACE, smooth wrinklEs, or in somE othEr wAys to ADD to BEAuty or DEsirABility.
    oFtEn suCh proDuCts ArE nothing morE thAn monEy-mAking things For
  • 5题:
    sCiEnCE is A DominAnt thEmE in our CulturE. sinCE it touChEs Almost EvEry FACEt oF our liFE, EDuCAtED pEoplE nEED At lEAst somE ACquAintAnCE with its struCturE AnD opErAtion. thEy shoulD Also hAvE An unDErstAnDing oF thE suBCulturE in whiCh sCiEntists livE AnD thE kinDs oF pEoplE thEy ArE.An unDErstAnDing oF gEnErAl ChArACtEristiCs oF sCiEnCE As wEll As spECiFiC sCiEntiFiC ConCEpts is EAsiEr to AttAin iF onE knows somEthing ABout thE things thAt ExCitE AnD FrustrAtE thE sCiEntist.<
  • 6题:
    sCiEnCE is A DominAnt thEmE in our CulturE. sinCE it touChEs Almost EvEry FACEt oF our liFE, EDuCAtED pEoplE nEED At lEAst somE ACquAintAnCE with its struCturE AnD opErAtion. thEy shoulD Also hAvE An unDErstAnDing oF thE suBCulturE in whiCh sCiEntists livE AnD thE kinDs oF pEoplE thEy ArE.An unDErstAnDing oF gEnErAl ChArACtEristiCs oF sCiEnCE As wEll As spECiFiC sCiEntiFiC ConCEpts is EAsiEr to AttAin iF onE knows somEthing ABout thE things thAt ExCitE AnD FrustrAtE thE sCiEntist.<