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  • 1题:
    Part 2&3 Describe a happy event /an unforgettable event/journey you had in your childhood what was important to you in your childhood What made you happy What often made you sorrow What do you think about the fact that lots of people like to take photos to memorize the pastDo songs and music help us to recall the good memories in the childhood Where do you often pay a visit to What kind of travelling do you like What is the most popular/expensive travelling What sort of travelling will be
  • 2题:
    Part 2&3 Describe a performance you enjoyed watching What kinds of performances are popular inChina WhyDo you think the government should invest money in traditional performancesAre there any differences on the performing form between men and women What dances do they like respectively What do you think aboutBeijing opera Should kids learn dancing What is the importance of TV programs to the artAre there many traditional performances in the TV program How should the Television Station sele
  • 3题:
    Part 2&3 Describe a historical/traditional event in your country What makes people historical in your country Have you ever learned history in your childhoodDo you think it is important for us to learn history How can we learn the historical event What do you think about the comments of historic persons What’s its importance Should the museum open to the public for free or not What stuff may be displayed in the museum in the futureAre traditional clothes or food still attractive to young p
  • 4题:
    题材:法律类题目: MrsChrlill and carbolic smoke ball题型: 5道题:multiple choices ; 4道题: matching; 4道题:T/F/NG文章大意:流感药物的官司文章讲述了100多年前英国发生的一个法律案例,MrsChrlill 看了一则广告说carbolic smoke ball 可以完全抵抗流感,如果不能,则赔付消费者100英镑,她购买了产品后得了流感,然后寻求赔偿,但是被企业拒绝,她的丈夫随后起诉获得法官的裁决,单方面合约有效,这则案例之后成为此类案列的典型。
  • 5题:
    题材:科普类题目: seeing the color of sounds, hearing the color of number题型: 6道题:list of heading ; 4道题: matching; 4道题:T/F/NG文章大意:文章引入了一个新的概念Synesthesia 联觉,表示一种感官刺激或任职途径会自发且非主动地引起另一种感知或认识,联觉者感觉字母或数字放佛具有内在的色彩。人们会把文字以及数字和颜色联系在一起,然而不同个体比如男人和女人又会产生不同的触发途径和不同强度的联觉体验。因此,对联觉的认知还有待进一步的研究。