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  • 1题:
    quEstions 40-50in thE ninEtEEnth CEntury, oCEAnogrAphy BEnEFitED From thE nEw DEsirE to stuDy phEnomEnA on A gloBAl sCAlE. mAny sCiEntists CollECtED inFormAtion on thE ChEmiCAl Composition, tEmpErAturE, AnD prEssurE oF thE oCEAn At vArious DEpths AnD in DiFFErEnt rEgions. thE DiFFiCulty oF gAthEring inFormAtion ABout thE oCEAn DEpths wAs immEnsE.At First it wAs BEliEvED thAt thE tEmpErAturEs in thE DEpths nEvEr FEll BElow 4 DEgrEEsCElsius, until it wAs shown thAt thE FigurEs wErE DistortED By th
  • 2题:
    quEstions: 11-20in thE unitED stAtEs, mAny soCiAl rEFormErs in thE lAtE ninEtEEnth CEntury DEmonstrAtED A ConCErn For improvED housing ConDitions For workErs. gEorgE pullmAn (1831-1897), thE wEAlthy inDustriAlist who introDuCED luxury rAilwAy CArs with BEDs, Built his moDEl City CAllED pullmAn in 1880 to ADDrEss housing proBlEms CAusED ByChiCAgo’s inDustriAlizAtion.ConstruCtion thE town, pullmAn hopED to proDuCE An iDEAl EnvironmEnt thAt woulD hElp AttrACt workErs oF A supErior typE to thE rAilw
  • 3题:
    quEstions: 21-29FACE mAsks ArE Commonly usED in rituAls AnD pErFormAnCEs. thEy not only hiDE thE rEAl FACE oF thE mAsk wEArEr But thEy oFtEn EvokE powErFul Emotions in thE AuDiEnCE---AngEr, FEAr, sADnEss, joy. you might think, BECAusE so mAny things vAry Cross-CulturAlly, thAt thE wAys in whiCh Emotions ArE DisplAyED AnD rECognizED in thE FACE vAry too.AppArEntly thEy Do not. rECEnt rEsEArCh on mAsks From DiFFErEnt CulturEs supports thE ConClusion thAt mAsks, likE FACEs, tEnD to rEprEsEnt CErtAi
  • 4题:
    unlikE thosE AvAilABlE For pAinting, thE opportunitiEs to ExhiBit sCulpturE in thE unitED stAtEs ArounD thE turn oF thE twEntiEth CEntury wErE quitE sCArCE. thErE wAs Almost no room For sCulpturE At thE inFluEntiAl FinEArts soCiEty’s 57th strEEt gAllEriEs in nEw york.As lAtE As 1905, thE monumEntAl nEws, A journAl DEDiCAtED to thEpromotion oF sCulpturE, lAmEntED, “ExhiBitions oF sCulptors’ works ArE so CompArAtivElyrArE.” in rEsponsE to this DirE prEDiCAmEnt, thE sCulptor FrEDEriCk w. ruCkstull
  • 5题:
    unlikE thosE AvAilABlE For pAinting, thE opportunitiEs to ExhiBit sCulpturE in thE unitED stAtEs ArounD thE turn oF thE twEntiEth CEntury wErE quitE sCArCE. thErE wAs Almost no room For sCulpturE At thE inFluEntiAl FinEArts soCiEty’s 57th strEEt gAllEriEs in nEw york.As lAtE As 1905, thE monumEntAl nEws, A journAl DEDiCAtED to thEpromotion oF sCulpturE, lAmEntED, “ExhiBitions oF sCulptors’ works ArE so CompArAtivElyrArE.” in rEsponsE to this DirE prEDiCAmEnt, thE sCulptor FrEDEriCk w. ruCkstull
  • 6题:
    quEstions: 11-20in thE unitED stAtEs, mAny soCiAl rEFormErs in thE lAtE ninEtEEnth CEntury DEmonstrAtED A ConCErn For improvED housing ConDitions For workErs. gEorgE pullmAn (1831-1897), thE wEAlthy inDustriAlist who introDuCED luxury rAilwAy CArs with BEDs, Built his moDEl City CAllED pullmAn in 1880 to ADDrEss housing proBlEms CAusED ByChiCAgo’s inDustriAlizAtion.ConstruCtion thE town, pullmAn hopED to proDuCE An iDEAl EnvironmEnt thAt woulD hElp AttrACt workErs oF A supErior typE to thE rAilw