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  • 1题:

    roBots hAvE BEEn thE stuFF oF populAr CulturE For so long thAt wE think oF thEm mostly As A Fun. in thE nExt DECADE thEy will FinAlly BEComE prACtiCAl BEyonD FACtory AssEmBly linEs. grAntED, thEy won’t pErForm thE wonDErous stunts thEy Do in moviEs; thE First gEnErAtion oF "rEAl" roBots mAy sEEm A Bit CruDE.But By thE EnD oF thE DECADE, wE mAy wEll EnCountEr tiny roBots Cooking hAmBurgErs in FAst - FooD rEstAurAnts, mopping up shopping mAlls, EvEn DElivEring mEAl trAys
  • 2题:
    in rECEnt yEArsAmEriCAn soCiEty hAs BEComE inCrEAsingly DEpEnDEnt on its univErsitiEs to FinD solutions to its mAjor proBlEms. it is thE univErsitiEs thAt hAvE BEEn ChArgED with thE prinCipAl rEsponsiBility For DEvEloping thE ExpErtisE to plACE mEn on thE moon; For DEAling with our urBAn proBlEms AnD with our DEtEriorAting EnvironmEnt; For DEvEloping thE mEAns to FEED thE worlD’s rApiDly inCrEAsing populAtion. thE EFFort involvED in mEEting thEsE DEmAnDs prEsEnts its own pro
  • 3题:
    thE Coming oF thE rAilwAys in thE 1830s trAnsFormED soCiEty AnD EConomiC liFE By proviDing, For First timE, mAss trAnsport For pAssEngErs AnD gooDs. onE mAn, gEorgE stEphEnson, is somEtimEs CAllED thE "FAthEr oF thE rAilwAys" Although hE DiD not invEnt EithEr thE loComotivE or thE rAils. thE BAsiC iDEA oF A "rAilwAy" wAs An olD onE, mAinly usED in minEs, in thE sixtEEnth CEntury, minErs FounD it wAs EAsiEr to push thEir loADs in A truCk with wooDEn whEEls ovEr plAnks thAn to
  • 4题:
    CritiCism oF rEsEArCh lAys A signiFiCAnt FounDAtion For FuturE invEstigAtivE work, But whEn stuDEnts BEgin thEir own projECts, thEy ArE likEly to FinD thAt thE stAnDArDs oF vAliDity in FiElD work ConsiDErABly morE rigorous thAn thE stAnDArDs For most liBrAry rEsEArCh. whEn stuDEnts ArE FACED with thE ConCrEtE proBlEm oF prooF By FiElD DEmonstrAtion, thEy usuAlly DisCovEr thAt mAny oF thE "importAnt rElAtionships" thEy mAy hAvE CritiCizED othEr rEsEArChErs For FAiling to DEmo
  • 5题:
    in rECEnt yEArsAmEriCAn soCiEty hAs BEComE inCrEAsingly DEpEnDEnt on its univErsitiEs to FinD solutions to its mAjor proBlEms. it is thE univErsitiEs thAt hAvE BEEn ChArgED with thE prinCipAl rEsponsiBility For DEvEloping thE ExpErtisE to plACE mEn on thE moon; For DEAling with our urBAn proBlEms AnD with our DEtEriorAting EnvironmEnt; For DEvEloping thE mEAns to FEED thE worlD’s rApiDly inCrEAsing populAtion. thE EFFort involvED in mEEting thEsE DEmAnDs prEsEnts its own pro
  • 6题:

    roBots hAvE BEEn thE stuFF oF populAr CulturE For so long thAt wE think oF thEm mostly As A Fun. in thE nExt DECADE thEy will FinAlly BEComE prACtiCAl BEyonD FACtory AssEmBly linEs. grAntED, thEy won’t pErForm thE wonDErous stunts thEy Do in moviEs; thE First gEnErAtion oF "rEAl" roBots mAy sEEm A Bit CruDE.But By thE EnD oF thE DECADE, wE mAy wEll EnCountEr tiny roBots Cooking hAmBurgErs in FAst - FooD rEstAurAnts, mopping up shopping mAlls, EvEn DElivEring mEAl trAys