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  • 1题:
    quEstions 22 to 25 ArE BAsED on thE ConvErsAtion you hAvE just hEArD、 A.BECAusE thEy’rE quitE imprEssivE with A strong EFFECt.
    B、BECAusE thEy ArE not so FrustrAting As othEr ExprEssions.
    C.BECAusE thEy ArE prACtiCED AnD rEpEAtED onCE AnD AgAin.
    D.BECAusE thEy ArE most pEoplE’s FAvoritE worDs.
  • 2题:
    pAssAgE thrEE
    quEstions 32 to 35 ArE BAsED on thE pAssAgE you hAvE just hEArD、
    A.to somE ExtEnt its AuDiEnCE will DECrEAsE.
    B.thE progrAms on ipoD ArE morE AttrACtivE thAn thosE oFAB
    C、thE AuDiEnCE will ChoosE trADitionAl BroADCAst tElEvision on ipoD、
    D.thE AuDiEnCE will gEt BorED with thE wiDE-sCrEEn tElEvision.
  • 3题:

    A、thE womAn shoulD Apply For thE ADvErtisED jo
    B、thE womAn CAn hElp him with his work in thE nExt two wEEks.
    C.hE is thE right pErson to hElp hEr to post An A
    D、hE CAn FinD A BEttEr pAying joB For thE womAn.
  • 4题:
    quEstions 57 to 61 ArE BAsED on thE Following pAssAgE.
    CAmBriDgE univErsity ClosED Down in thE summEr oF 1665 whEn thE plAguE BrokE out. nEw ton, A stuDEnt thErE, wEnt homE to linColnshirE. hE stAyED homE For two yEArs whilE thE DisEAsE rAn its CoursE in thE ArEA ArounD lonDon. thE 23-yEAr-olD nEwton spEnt thAt timE stuDying AnD lAying thE FounDAtions For his grEAtEst work, thE prinCipiA、onE DAy hE sAt thinking in his gArDEn, whEn An ApplE FEll. thEn hE rEAlizED thAt thE DirECtion thE
  • 5题:
    pAssAgE thrEE
    quEstions 32 to 35 ArE BAsED on thE pAssAgE you hAvE just hEArD、
    A.thE moviE FAns who ArE intErEstED inAB
    B、thE ipoD usErs who ArE Big moviE FAns At thE sAmE timE.
    C、thosE who CAn’t Follow thE rEgulAr sChEDulE oF thEAB
    D.lEon long, ChAirmAn oFAB
    C、AnD his stAFF.
  • 6题:
    quEstions 57 to 61 ArE BAsED on thE Following pAssAgE.
    CAmBriDgE univErsity ClosED Down in thE summEr oF 1665 whEn thE plAguE BrokE out. nEw ton, A stuDEnt thErE, wEnt homE to linColnshirE. hE stAyED homE For two yEArs whilE thE DisEAsE rAn its CoursE in thE ArEA ArounD lonDon. thE 23-yEAr-olD nEwton spEnt thAt timE stuDying AnD lAying thE FounDAtions For his grEAtEst work, thE prinCipiA、onE DAy hE sAt thinking in his gArDEn, whEn An ApplE FEll. thEn hE rEAlizED thAt thE DirECtion thE