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  • 1题:
    A、hAppy mArriAgE AppArEntly is gooD mEDiCinE, But hostilE spousEs mAy BE hArmFul to onE AnothEr’s hEAlth.CouplEs in{{u}} (36) {{/u}}mArriAgEs tAkE longEr thAn thE hAppily mArriED to hEAl From All kinDs oF wounDs, From minor sCrApEs or{{u}} (37) {{/u}}injuriEs to mAjor surgEry, suggEsts A stuDy ovEr thE wEEkEnD、AnD thE hEAlth toll tAkEn By A strEssFul joB sEEms to BE{{u}} (38) {{/u}}whEn thE workEr hAs A plEAsurABlE homE liFE. this nEw rEsEArCh, rEportED At AnA
  • 2题:
    A、hAppy mArriAgE AppArEntly is gooD mEDiCinE, But hostilE spousEs mAy BE hArmFul to onE AnothEr’s hEAlth.CouplEs in{{u}} (36) {{/u}}mArriAgEs tAkE longEr thAn thE hAppily mArriED to hEAl From All kinDs oF wounDs, From minor sCrApEs or{{u}} (37) {{/u}}injuriEs to mAjor surgEry, suggEsts A stuDy ovEr thE wEEkEnD、AnD thE hEAlth toll tAkEn By A strEssFul joB sEEms to BE{{u}} (38) {{/u}}whEn thE workEr hAs A plEAsurABlE homE liFE. this nEw rEsEArCh, rEportED At AnA
  • 3题:

    A、BECAusE it is intErEsting AnD CrEAtivE.
    B、BECAusE it hAs A Big EFFECt on our livEs.
    C.BECAusE shE CAn mAkE Big monEy with it.
    D.BECAusE shE CAn grADuAtE morE EAsily.
  • 4题:

    A、BECAusE thEy wAnt to FinD thE CAr thErE.
    B、BECAusE thEy wAnt to FinD EviDEnCE.
    C.BECAusE thEy wAnt to CAtCh thE thiEF thErE.
    D.BECAusE thEy wAnt to know FF Any othEr EArs ArE stolEn.
  • 5题:

    A、BECAusE hE DozEs oFF in ClAss so his notEs ArE poor.
    B、BECAusE his vision is gEtting worsE.
    C.BECAusE hE hAs missED A CouplE oF ClAssEs.
    D.BECAusE hE is A vEry lAzy stuDEnt.
  • 6题:

    A、BECAusE hE is thirsty.
    B、BECAusE hE lovEs Drinking.
    C.BECAusE it is gooD mAnnErs.
    D.BECAusE hE hAs not hAD Enough.