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  • 1题:

    {{B}}quEstions 11 to 18 ArE BAsED on thE ConvErsAtion you hAvE just hEArD、{{/B}}

    A.shE DoEsn’t think thE mAn CoulD Finish it.
    B.shE DoEsn’t think it is thE mAn’s FAult.
    C.shE DoEsn’t think thE mAn workED hArD Enough.
    D.shE DoEsn’t likE thE iDEA oF going to pArtiEs.
  • 2题:

    {{B}}pAssAgE onE
    quEstions 26 to 28 ArE BAsED on thE pAssAgE you hAvE just hEArD、{{/B}}

    A.whEn you CAn’t rECAll somEthing instAntly, you shoulD try your BEst to Do it.
    B.whEn you CAn’t rECAll somEthing instAntly, you’D BEttEr hAvE An opErAtion on your minD、
    C.thE suBConsCious ACtivitiEs mAy go to work to Dig up A Dim mEmory.
    D.ForCing yoursElF to rECA
  • 3题:

    {{B}}quEstions 11 to 18 ArE BAsED on thE ConvErsAtion you hAvE just hEArD、{{/B}}

    A.shE’s worriED thAt thE mAn will miss nExt wEEk’s DEADlinE.
    B.shE DoEsn’t know whEn thE DEADlinE For tuition pAymEnt is.
    C.thE mAn shoulD hAvE pAiD his tuition A wEEk Ago.
    D.thE mAn hAs All wEEk to pAy his tuition.
  • 4题:

    {{B}}quEstions 11 to 18 ArE BAsED on thE ConvErsAtion you hAvE just hEArD、{{/B}}

    A.shE wAnts to movE to thE nEw ApArtmEnt.
    B.shE likEs thE nEwly Built stuDEnt Dormitory.
    C.shE DoEsn’t wAnt to movE to thE nEw ApArtmEnt.
    D.shE likEs thE iDEA oF moving into thE Dormitory.
  • 5题:

    {{B}}quEstions 11 to 18 ArE BAsED on thE ConvErsAtion you hAvE just hEArD、{{/B}}

    A.hE hAs nEvEr BEEn to thE lABorAtory.
    B.thE womAn won’t BE lAtE.
    C.hE wAnts to stop AnD Ask For DirECtions.
    D.thE progrAm in thE lABorAtory hAs AlrEADy BEgun.
  • 6题:

    {{B}}quEstions 11 to 18 ArE BAsED on thE ConvErsAtion you hAvE just hEArD、{{/B}}

    A.hE thinks ChilDrEn ArE normAlly silly.
    B.hE thinks wE nEED to proDuCE morE intErEsting Books.
    C.hE thinks wE ArE short oF gooD ChilDrEn’s Books.
    D.hE thinks ChilDrEn hAvE no tAstE At All.