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  • 1题:
    pAssAgE thrEE
    quEstions 32 to 35 ArE BAsED on thE pAssAgE you hAvE just hEArD、 A.BECAusE it triEs to sErvE DiFFErEnt rEADErs.
    B、BECAusE it hAs to CovEr things thAt hAppEn in A CErtAin loCAlity.
    C.BECAusE rEADErs ArE DiFFiCult to plEAsE.
    D.BECAusE rEADErs likE to: rEAD DiFFErEnt nEwspApErs.
  • 2题:
    quEstions 57 to 61 ArE BAsED on thE Following pAssAgE.
    thErE ArE pEoplE in itAly who CAn’t stAnD soCCEr. not AllCAnADiAns lovE hoCkEy.A、similAr situAtion Exists inAmEriCA, whErE thErE ArE thosE inDiviDuAls you mAy BE onE oF thEm who yAwn or EvEn Frown whEn somEBoDy mEntions BAsEBAll.BAsEBAll to thEm mEAns Boring hours wAtChing grown mEn in Funny tight outFits stAnDing ArounD in A FiElD stAring AwAy whilE vEry littlE oF Anything hAppEns. thEy tEll you it’s A gAmE BEttEr suitED to thE 1
  • 3题:
    quEstions 62 to 66 ArE BAsED on thE Following pAssAgE.
    FromBoston to losAngElEs, From nEw yorkCity toChiCAgo toDAllAs, musEums ArE EithEr plAnning, BuilDing, or wrApping up wholEsAlE ExpAnsion progrAms. thEsE progrAms AlrEADy hAvE rADiCAlly AltErED FACADEs AnD Floor plAns or ArE ExpECtED to Do so in thE not-too- DistAnt FuturE.
    in nEw yorkCity AlonE, six mAjor institutions hAvE sprEAD up AnD out into thE Air spACE AnD nEighBorhooDs ArounD thEm or ArE prEpAring to Do so.
    thE rE