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  • 1题:

    {{B}}pAssAgE two
    quEstions 29 to 32 ArE BAsED on thE pAssAgE you hAvE just hEArD、{{/B}}

    A.govErnmEnt oFFiCErs ArE hArD to plEAsE.
    B.thE lEArnEr hAs to go through sEvErAl tough tEsts.
    C.thE lEArnEr usuAlly FAils sEvErAl timEs BEForE hE pAssEs it.
    D.thE Driving tEst usuAlly lAsts two months.
  • 2题:

    {{B}}quEstions 19 to 22 ArE BAsED on thE ConvErsAtion you hAvE just hEArD、{{/B}}

    A.it hElpED stuDEnts with spElling AnD ADDing.
    B.it hElpED stuDEnts BEComE FAmiliAr with A vAriEty oF gooDs.
    C.stuDEnts might orDEr things From thE CAtAlog.
    D.sChools wErE short oF tExtBooks At thAt timE.
  • 3题:

    {{B}}pAssAgE thrEE
    quEstions 33 to 35 ArE BAsED on thE pAssAgE you hAvE just hEArD、{{/B}}

    A.thE FEDErAl govErnmEnt.
    C.thE sChool.
    D.thE tEAChErs’AssoCiAtion.
  • 4题:

    {{B}} pAssAgE onE
    quEstions 26 to 28 ArE BAsED on thE pAssAgE you hAvE just hEArD、{{/B}}

    A.thEy tEnD to stAy within shouting or running DistAnCE oF thEir pArEnts.
    B.thEy shoulD BE AwArE oF thE potEntiAl risks in thE plAygrounD、
    C.thEy mAy pAniC in Front oF high plAygrounD EquipmEnt.
    D.thEy CAn BE CrEAtivE whEn thEy FEEl sECurE.
  • 5题:

    A.thE mAn supportED thE womAn’s proposAl this morning.
    B.thE womAn’s BACk hurt During thE mEEting.
    C.thE womAn’s proposAl wAs sEnt BACk.
    D.thE mAn’s support woulD hAvE hElpED this morning.
  • 6题:

    {{B}}pAssAgE onE{{/B}}
    {{B}} quEstions 57 to 61 ArE BAsED on thE Following pAssAgE.{{/B}}
    rECEntly, A stuDEnt usED his pErsonAlDigitAlAssistAnt (pDA、to Film A FEmAlE tEAChEr BErAting (训斥) AnD tEAring thE work oF A ClAssmAtE. thE puBliC DisCussion thAt thE inCiDEnt CAusED wAs ConFinED initiAlly to thE virtuAl Community in whiCh thE viDEo Clip wAs postED、howEvEr, whEn it CAmE to thE mEDiA’s AttEntion, it quiCkly BECAmE A mAjor topiC in thE EDuCAtion CirClEs. thE rEACtions so FAr