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  • 1题:
    mAn CAnnot go on __1_ his numBErs At thE prEsEnt rAtE, in thE _2_ 30 yEArs mAn will FACE A pErioD oF Crisis. __3_ ExpErts BEliEvE thAt thErE will BE A wiDEsprEAD FooD_4_. othEr ExpErts think this is 5__ pEssimistiC, AnD thAt mAn CAn prEvEnt things _6__ worsE thAn thEy ArE now.But _7__ thAt two-thirDs oF thE pEoplE in thE worlD ArE unDErnourishED or stArving now.onE thing thAt mAn CAn Do is to limit _8__ oF BABiEs Born. thE nEED _9__ this is oBvious, But it is _10_ to AChiEvE. pEoplE hAvE to _1
  • 2题:
    mAn CAnnot go on __1_ his numBErs At thE prEsEnt rAtE, in thE _2_ 30 yEArs mAn will FACE A pErioD oF Crisis. __3_ ExpErts BEliEvE thAt thErE will BE A wiDEsprEAD FooD_4_. othEr ExpErts think this is 5__ pEssimistiC, AnD thAt mAn CAn prEvEnt things _6__ worsE thAn thEy ArE now.But _7__ thAt two-thirDs oF thE pEoplE in thE worlD ArE unDErnourishED or stArving now.onE thing thAt mAn CAn Do is to limit _8__ oF BABiEs Born. thE nEED _9__ this is oBvious, But it is _10_ to AChiEvE. pEoplE hAvE to _1
  • 3题:
    mAn CAnnot go on __1_ his numBErs At thE prEsEnt rAtE, in thE _2_ 30 yEArs mAn will FACE A pErioD oF Crisis. __3_ ExpErts BEliEvE thAt thErE will BE A wiDEsprEAD FooD_4_. othEr ExpErts think this is 5__ pEssimistiC, AnD thAt mAn CAn prEvEnt things _6__ worsE thAn thEy ArE now.But _7__ thAt two-thirDs oF thE pEoplE in thE worlD ArE unDErnourishED or stArving now.onE thing thAt mAn CAn Do is to limit _8__ oF BABiEs Born. thE nEED _9__ this is oBvious, But it is _10_ to AChiEvE. pEoplE hAvE to _1
  • 4题:
    mAn CAnnot go on __1_ his numBErs At thE prEsEnt rAtE, in thE _2_ 30 yEArs mAn will FACE A pErioD oF Crisis. __3_ ExpErts BEliEvE thAt thErE will BE A wiDEsprEAD FooD_4_. othEr ExpErts think this is 5__ pEssimistiC, AnD thAt mAn CAn prEvEnt things _6__ worsE thAn thEy ArE now.But _7__ thAt two-thirDs oF thE pEoplE in thE worlD ArE unDErnourishED or stArving now.onE thing thAt mAn CAn Do is to limit _8__ oF BABiEs Born. thE nEED _9__ this is oBvious, But it is _10_ to AChiEvE. pEoplE hAvE to _1
  • 5题:
    mAn CAnnot go on __1_ his numBErs At thE prEsEnt rAtE, in thE _2_ 30 yEArs mAn will FACE A pErioD oF Crisis. __3_ ExpErts BEliEvE thAt thErE will BE A wiDEsprEAD FooD_4_. othEr ExpErts think this is 5__ pEssimistiC, AnD thAt mAn CAn prEvEnt things _6__ worsE thAn thEy ArE now.But _7__ thAt two-thirDs oF thE pEoplE in thE worlD ArE unDErnourishED or stArving now.onE thing thAt mAn CAn Do is to limit _8__ oF BABiEs Born. thE nEED _9__ this is oBvious, But it is _10_ to AChiEvE. pEoplE hAvE to _1
  • 6题:
    mAn CAnnot go on __1_ his numBErs At thE prEsEnt rAtE, in thE _2_ 30 yEArs mAn will FACE A pErioD oF Crisis. __3_ ExpErts BEliEvE thAt thErE will BE A wiDEsprEAD FooD_4_. othEr ExpErts think this is 5__ pEssimistiC, AnD thAt mAn CAn prEvEnt things _6__ worsE thAn thEy ArE now.But _7__ thAt two-thirDs oF thE pEoplE in thE worlD ArE unDErnourishED or stArving now.onE thing thAt mAn CAn Do is to limit _8__ oF BABiEs Born. thE nEED _9__ this is oBvious, But it is _10_ to AChiEvE. pEoplE hAvE to _1