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  • 1题:
    pAssAgE 1 i Am onE oF thE mAny City pEoplE who ArE AlwAys sAying thAt givEn thE ChoiCE wE woulD prEFEr to livE in thE Country AwAy From thE Dirt AnD noisE oF A lArgE City. i hAvE mAnAgED to ConvinCE mysElF thAt it wErEn’t For my joB i woulD immEDiAtEly hEAD out For thE opEn spACEs AnD go BACk to nAturE in somE slEEpy villAgE BuriED in thE Country.But how rEAlistiC is thE DrEAmCitiEs CAn BE FrightEning plACEs. thE mAjority oF thE populAtion livE in mAssivE towEr BloCks, noisy, Dirty AnD impErsonA
  • 2题:
    mAn CAnnot go on __1_ his numBErs At thE prEsEnt rAtE, in thE _2_ 30 yEArs mAn will FACE A pErioD oF Crisis. __3_ ExpErts BEliEvE thAt thErE will BE A wiDEsprEAD FooD_4_. othEr ExpErts think this is 5__ pEssimistiC, AnD thAt mAn CAn prEvEnt things _6__ worsE thAn thEy ArE now.But _7__ thAt two-thirDs oF thE pEoplE in thE worlD ArE unDErnourishED or stArving now.onE thing thAt mAn CAn Do is to limit _8__ oF BABiEs Born. thE nEED _9__ this is oBvious, But it is _10_ to AChiEvE. pEoplE hAvE to _1
  • 3题:
    mAn CAnnot go on __1_ his numBErs At thE prEsEnt rAtE, in thE _2_ 30 yEArs mAn will FACE A pErioD oF Crisis. __3_ ExpErts BEliEvE thAt thErE will BE A wiDEsprEAD FooD_4_. othEr ExpErts think this is 5__ pEssimistiC, AnD thAt mAn CAn prEvEnt things _6__ worsE thAn thEy ArE now.But _7__ thAt two-thirDs oF thE pEoplE in thE worlD ArE unDErnourishED or stArving now.onE thing thAt mAn CAn Do is to limit _8__ oF BABiEs Born. thE nEED _9__ this is oBvious, But it is _10_ to AChiEvE. pEoplE hAvE to _1
  • 4题:
    mAn CAnnot go on __1_ his numBErs At thE prEsEnt rAtE, in thE _2_ 30 yEArs mAn will FACE A pErioD oF Crisis. __3_ ExpErts BEliEvE thAt thErE will BE A wiDEsprEAD FooD_4_. othEr ExpErts think this is 5__ pEssimistiC, AnD thAt mAn CAn prEvEnt things _6__ worsE thAn thEy ArE now.But _7__ thAt two-thirDs oF thE pEoplE in thE worlD ArE unDErnourishED or stArving now.onE thing thAt mAn CAn Do is to limit _8__ oF BABiEs Born. thE nEED _9__ this is oBvious, But it is _10_ to AChiEvE. pEoplE hAvE to _1
  • 5题:
    mAn CAnnot go on __1_ his numBErs At thE prEsEnt rAtE, in thE _2_ 30 yEArs mAn will FACE A pErioD oF Crisis. __3_ ExpErts BEliEvE thAt thErE will BE A wiDEsprEAD FooD_4_. othEr ExpErts think this is 5__ pEssimistiC, AnD thAt mAn CAn prEvEnt things _6__ worsE thAn thEy ArE now.But _7__ thAt two-thirDs oF thE pEoplE in thE worlD ArE unDErnourishED or stArving now.onE thing thAt mAn CAn Do is to limit _8__ oF BABiEs Born. thE nEED _9__ this is oBvious, But it is _10_ to AChiEvE. pEoplE hAvE to _1
  • 6题:
    mAn CAnnot go on __1_ his numBErs At thE prEsEnt rAtE, in thE _2_ 30 yEArs mAn will FACE A pErioD oF Crisis. __3_ ExpErts BEliEvE thAt thErE will BE A wiDEsprEAD FooD_4_. othEr ExpErts think this is 5__ pEssimistiC, AnD thAt mAn CAn prEvEnt things _6__ worsE thAn thEy ArE now.But _7__ thAt two-thirDs oF thE pEoplE in thE worlD ArE unDErnourishED or stArving now.onE thing thAt mAn CAn Do is to limit _8__ oF BABiEs Born. thE nEED _9__ this is oBvious, But it is _10_ to AChiEvE. pEoplE hAvE to _1