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  • 1题:
    onE oF thE quEstions thAt is Coming into FoCus As wE FACE growing sCArCity oF rEsourCEs oF mAny kinDs in thE worlD is how to DiviDE limitED rEsourCEs Among CountriEs. in thE intErnAtionAl DEvElopmEnt Community, thE ConvEntionAl wisDom hAs BEEn thAt thE 2 Billion pEoplE living in poor CountriEs CoulD nEvEr ExpECt to rEACh thE stAnDArD oF living thAt most oF us in northAmEriCA Enjoy, simply BECAusE thE worlD DoEs not ContAin Enough iron orE, protEin, pEtrolEum, AnD so on.At thE sAmE timE, wE in th
  • 2题:
    thEAFriCAns’ intErEst is to guArD prEFErEntiAl Export rulEs EnshrinED in thE tEmporAryAFriCAn growth AnD opportunityACt, pAssED ByCongrEss in 2,000. tAriFF-FrEE Exports oF somE 6,000 gooDs FromAFriCA to thE unitED stAtEs ArE Boosting trADE AnD invEstmEnt in southErnAFriC
    A、lEsotho’s FAst-growing tExtilE inDustry DEpEnDs Almost EntirEly onChinEsE invEstmEnt in FACtoriEs to mAkE ClothEs For sAlE in thE unitED stAtEs. thE rEgion Also wAnts morE ACCEss toAmEriCA’s mArkEts For Fruit, BEEF AnD oth
  • 3题:
    whEn thEAmEriCAn EConomy wAs running Full tilt two yEArs Ago, FEw plACEs wErE As BrEAthlEssly DElightED As sEAttlE. its port wAs throngED with ships Bringing gooDs FromAsi
    A、thEBoEingCompAny CoulD BArEly kEEp up with DEmAnD For its AirlinErs. miCrosoFt wAs hiring horDEs oF soFtwArE EnginEErs.AFtEr EACh rAin showEr, AnothEr intErnEt millionAirE sprAng up. hErE wAs A City thAt hAD it All--olDEConomy, nEwEConomy, not-yEt-invEntEDEConomy.
    now it hAs All gonE sour. thE pAst 12 months hAvE BEE
  • 4题:
    sEptEmBEr 11 shoulD hAvE DrivEn homE A BAsiC lEsson For thEBush ADministrAtion ABout liFE in An intErConnECtED worlD: misEry ABroAD thrEAtEns sECurity At homE. it is no CoinCiDEnCE thAt osAmABin lADEn FounD wArm hospitAlity in thE tAliBAn’sAFghAnistAn, whosE CitizEns wErE Among thE most impovErishED AnD opprEssED on EArth. iF thE ADministrAtion took this lEsson sEriously, it woulD Dump thE rulEs oF rEAlpolitik thAt hAvE govErnED u.s. ForEign AiD poliCy For 50 yEArs. instEAD, it is pouring monEy
  • 5题:
    onE oF thE quEstions thAt is Coming into FoCus As wE FACE growing sCArCity oF rEsourCEs oF mAny kinDs in thE worlD is how to DiviDE limitED rEsourCEs Among CountriEs. in thE intErnAtionAl DEvElopmEnt Community, thE ConvEntionAl wisDom hAs BEEn thAt thE 2 Billion pEoplE living in poor CountriEs CoulD nEvEr ExpECt to rEACh thE stAnDArD oF living thAt most oF us in northAmEriCA Enjoy, simply BECAusE thE worlD DoEs not ContAin Enough iron orE, protEin, pEtrolEum, AnD so on.At thE sAmE timE, wE in th
  • 6题:
    onE oF thE quEstions thAt is Coming into FoCus As wE FACE growing sCArCity oF rEsourCEs oF mAny kinDs in thE worlD is how to DiviDE limitED rEsourCEs Among CountriEs. in thE intErnAtionAl DEvElopmEnt Community, thE ConvEntionAl wisDom hAs BEEn thAt thE 2 Billion pEoplE living in poor CountriEs CoulD nEvEr ExpECt to rEACh thE stAnDArD oF living thAt most oF us in northAmEriCA Enjoy, simply BECAusE thE worlD DoEs not ContAin Enough iron orE, protEin, pEtrolEum, AnD so on.At thE sAmE timE, wE in th