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  • 1题:
    whEn i DECiDED to quit my Full timE EmploymEnt it nEvEr oCCurrED to mE thAt i might BEComE A pArt oF A nEw intErnAtionAl trEnD、
    A、lAtErAl movE thAt hurt my priDE AnD BloCkED my proFEssionAl progrEss promptED mE to ABAnDon my rElAtivEly high proFilE CArEEr Although, in thE mAnnEr oF A DisgrACED govErnmEnt ministEr, i CovErED my Exit By ClAiming"i wAntED to spEnD morE timE with my FAmily". Curiously,somE two-AnD-A-hAlF yEArs AnD two novEls lAtEr,my ExpErimEnt in whAt thEAmEriCAns tErm "Downsh
  • 2题:
    whilE DisEAsE is prEsEnt prior to soCiAl orgAnizAtion, CommunAl liFE CrEAtEs spECiAl hAzArDs. whilE thE orgAnizAtion oF soCiEty CAn rEDuCE thE DAngErs oF DisEAsE, trADE AnD urBAnizAtion, with thEir ConsEquEnt proBlEms oF sAnitAtion AnD pollution, CAn Also AggrAvAtE suCh DAngErs.EvEn in thE miD-twEntiEth CEntury, During thE BriEF CAlm BEtwEEn thE polio AnDAiDs EpiDEmiCs, EpiDEmiC hEAlth risks AssoCiAtED with CArCinogEns (CAnCEr-proDuCing suBstAnCEs ) From pollutED Air thrEAtEnED thE inDustriAlizE
  • 3题:
    sCiEnCE hAs long hAD An unEAsy rElAtionship with othEr AspECts oF CulturE. think oF gAllilEo’s 17th-CEntury triAl For his rEBElling BEliEF BEForE thECAtholiCChurCh or poEt williAmBlAkE’’s hArsh rEmArks AgAinst thE mEChAnistiC worlDviEw oF isAAC nEwton. thE sChism BEtwEEn sCiEnCE AnD thE humAnitiEs hAs, iF Anything, DEEpEnED in this CEntury.  until rECEntly, thE sCiEntiFiC Community wAs so powErFul thAt it CoulD AFForD to ignorE its CritiCs But no longEr.As FunDing For sCiEnCE hAs DEClinED, sCiEn
  • 4题:
    whEn i DECiDED to quit my Full timE EmploymEnt it nEvEr oCCurrED to mE thAt i might BEComE A pArt oF A nEw intErnAtionAl trEnD、
    A、lAtErAl movE thAt hurt my priDE AnD BloCkED my proFEssionAl progrEss promptED mE to ABAnDon my rElAtivEly high proFilE CArEEr Although, in thE mAnnEr oF A DisgrACED govErnmEnt ministEr, i CovErED my Exit By ClAiming"i wAntED to spEnD morE timE with my FAmily". Curiously,somE two-AnD-A-hAlF yEArs AnD two novEls lAtEr,my ExpErimEnt in whAt thEAmEriCAns tErm "Downsh
  • 5题:
    sCiEnCE hAs long hAD An unEAsy rElAtionship with othEr AspECts oF CulturE. think oF gAllilEo’s 17th-CEntury triAl For his rEBElling BEliEF BEForE thECAtholiCChurCh or poEt williAmBlAkE’’s hArsh rEmArks AgAinst thE mEChAnistiC worlDviEw oF isAAC nEwton. thE sChism BEtwEEn sCiEnCE AnD thE humAnitiEs hAs, iF Anything, DEEpEnED in this CEntury.  until rECEntly, thE sCiEntiFiC Community wAs so powErFul thAt it CoulD AFForD to ignorE its CritiCs But no longEr.As FunDing For sCiEnCE hAs DEClinED, sCiEn
  • 6题:
    whEn i DECiDED to quit my Full timE EmploymEnt it nEvEr oCCurrED to mE thAt i might BEComE A pArt oF A nEw intErnAtionAl trEnD、
    A、lAtErAl movE thAt hurt my priDE AnD BloCkED my proFEssionAl progrEss promptED mE to ABAnDon my rElAtivEly high proFilE CArEEr Although, in thE mAnnEr oF A DisgrACED govErnmEnt ministEr, i CovErED my Exit By ClAiming"i wAntED to spEnD morE timE with my FAmily". Curiously,somE two-AnD-A-hAlF yEArs AnD two novEls lAtEr,my ExpErimEnt in whAt thEAmEriCAns tErm "Downsh