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  • 1题:
    lAtE viCtoriAn AnD moDErn iDEAs oF CulturE ArE AlwAys, in somE sEnsE, AttriButED to mAtthEwArnolD, who, lArgEly through hisCulturE AnDAnArChy (1869) , plACED thE worD At thE CEntEr oF DEBAtEs ABout thE goAls oF intEllECtuAl liFE AnD humAnistiC soCiEty.ArnolD DEFinED CulturE As "thE pursuit oF totAl pErFECtion By mEAns oF gEtting to know, on All mAttErs whiCh most ConCErn us, thE BEst whiCh hAs BEEn thought AnD sAiD in thE worlD". it wAsArnolD’’s hopE thAt, through this knowlEDgE, wE CAn turn "A
  • 2题:
    All thE ChArACtEristiCs AnD ABilitiEs A pErson ACquirEs AnD All DEvElopmEntAl ChAngEs rEsult From two BAsiC, though ComplEx, proCEssEs: lEArning AnD mAturAtion. sinCE thE two proCEssEs Almost AlwAys intErACt, it is DiFFiCult to sEpArAtE thEir EFFECts From EACh othEr or to spECiFy thE rElAtivE ContriBution oF EACh to A ChilD’’s DEvElopmEnt.ClEArly, growth in hEight is not lEArnED But DEpEnDs on mAturAtion, A BiologiCAl proCEss.But improvEmEnts in motor ACtivitiEs suCh As wAlking, DEpEnD on mAturA
  • 3题:
    to AvoiD thE vArious Foolish opinions to whiCh mAnkinD is liABlE, no supErhumAn gEnius is rEquirED、
    A、FEw simplE rulEs will kEEp you, not From All Errors, But From silly Errors.  iF thE mAttEr is onE thAt CAn BE sEttlED By oBsErvAtion, mAkE thE oBsErvAtion yoursElF.AristotlE CoulD hAvE AvoiDED thE mistAkE oF thinking thAt womEn hAvE FEwEr tEEth thAn mEn, By thE simplE DEviCE oF Asking mrs.AristotlE to kEEp hEr mouth opEn whilE hE CountED、hE DiD not Do so BECAusE hE thought hE knEw. thinking
  • 4题:
    All thE ChArACtEristiCs AnD ABilitiEs A pErson ACquirEs AnD All DEvElopmEntAl ChAngEs rEsult From two BAsiC, though ComplEx, proCEssEs: lEArning AnD mAturAtion. sinCE thE two proCEssEs Almost AlwAys intErACt, it is DiFFiCult to sEpArAtE thEir EFFECts From EACh othEr or to spECiFy thE rElAtivE ContriBution oF EACh to A ChilD’’s DEvElopmEnt.ClEArly, growth in hEight is not lEArnED But DEpEnDs on mAturAtion, A BiologiCAl proCEss.But improvEmEnts in motor ACtivitiEs suCh As wAlking, DEpEnD on mAturA
  • 5题:
    lAtE viCtoriAn AnD moDErn iDEAs oF CulturE ArE AlwAys, in somE sEnsE, AttriButED to mAtthEwArnolD, who, lArgEly through hisCulturE AnDAnArChy (1869) , plACED thE worD At thE CEntEr oF DEBAtEs ABout thE goAls oF intEllECtuAl liFE AnD humAnistiC soCiEty.ArnolD DEFinED CulturE As "thE pursuit oF totAl pErFECtion By mEAns oF gEtting to know, on All mAttErs whiCh most ConCErn us, thE BEst whiCh hAs BEEn thought AnD sAiD in thE worlD". it wAsArnolD’’s hopE thAt, through this knowlEDgE, wE CAn turn "A