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  • 1题:

    A、psyChiAtriC CliEnt who wAs voluntArily ADmittED now wishEs to BE DisChArgED From thE hospitAl, AgAinst mEDiCAl ADviCE. whAt’s thE most importAnt AssEssmEnt thE nursE shoulD mAkE oF thE CliEnt
    A、ABility to CArE For himsElF.
    B、DEgrEE oF DAngEr to sElF AnD othErs.
    C、lEvEl oF psyChosis.
    D、intEnDED CompliAnCE with AFtErCAr
  • 2题:

    A、CliEnt hAs sEvErE pruritus From hEpAtitis
    B、whiCh oF thE Following nursing mEAsurEs woulD BEst EnhAnCE thE CliEnt’s ComFort
    A、usE hot wAtEr to inCrEAsE vAsoDilAtion.
    B、usE ColD wAtEr to DECrEAsE itChing sEnsAtion.
    C、givE tEpiD wAtEr BAths.
    D、AvoiD lotions AnD CrEAms.
  • 3题:

    A、CliEnt on An inpAtiEnt psyChiAtriC unit At A Community mEntAl hEAlth CEntEr is pACing thE hAllwAy AnD AppEArs AgitAtED、whEn thE nursE ApproAChEs him, hE sAys louDly, "lEAvE mE AlonE. " whAt’s thE nursE’s BEst ApproACh
    A、sAy nothing AnD pACE with thE CliEnt.
    B、sAy "you sounD upsEt. i’D likE to hElp. "
    C、sAy "okAy" AnD wAlk AwAy.
    D、summon hElp in CAsE thE CliEnt BEComEs AggrEssiv
  • 4题:
    whilE ADmitting A CliEnt with pnEumoniA, thE nursE notEs multiplE BruisEs in vArious stAgEs oF hEAling. thE CliEnt hAsAlzhEimEr’s DisEAsE AnD A history oF multiplE FrACturEs. lEgAlly, thE most importAnt ACtion For thE nursE to tAkE is to
    A、DoCumEnt FinDings thoroughly.
    B、quEstion thE CliEnt ABout thE Bruising.
    C、inForm AppropriAtE loCAl AuthoritiEs.
    D、tEll thE CliEnt’s physiCiAn.
  • 5题:

    A、CliEnt is 22 wEEks prEgnAnt with hEr First ChilD、hEr wEight gAin is normAl, But shE ComplAins oF ConstipAtion. whAt’s thE most EFFECtivE rECommEnDAtion thE nursE CAn mAkE
    A、"tAkE A milD lAxAtivE DAily. "
    B、"inCrEAsE intAkE oF FluiDs AnD high-FiBEr FooDs. "
    C、"rElAx whEn trying to movE thE BowEls. "
    D、"stArt A strEnuous ExErCisE progrAm. "
  • 6题:

    A、mothEr Brings hEr 15-month-olD mAlE ChilD to thE AmBulAtory CArE CliniC For wEll-ChilD CArE. hE’s Crying AnD pulling At his lEFt EAr, whiCh AppEArs ErythEmAtous. whiCh oF thE Following ACtions shoulD thE nursE tAkE First
    A、Ask thE mothEr to lEAvE thE room BECAusE hEr AnxiEty is inCrEAsing thE ChilD’s DistrEss.
    B、ExAminE thE EAr with thE ChilD supinE BECAusE this AiDs visuAlizAtion oF thE tympAniC mEmBrAnE.
    C、ExAminE thE AFFECtED EAr lAst in orDEr to minimizE DistrEss EArly in