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  • 1题:

    A、21-year-old primigravida has an emergency cesarean delivery under general anesthesia because of unanticipated fetal distress. One postoperative intervention is to assist her to turn every 2 hours. Which of the following conditions is this intervention intended to prevent

    A、Pressure ulcers.
    B、Muscular stiffness.
    C、Respiratory complications.
    D、Venous stasis.
  • 2题:

    A、58-year-old client on a mental health unit has lost control, despite having been properly medicated, and is threatening to harm himself and others. He has been placed in four- point restraints. Which nursing measure should be taken next

    A、Release one restraint every 15 minutes.
    B、Have a staff member stay with the client at all times.
    C、Leave the client alone to reduce his sensory stimulation and allow him to regain control.
    D、Restrict fluids until the restraint
  • 3题:
    The nurse is developing a teaching plan for a client with diabetes mellitus.
    A、client with diabetes mellitus should

    A、use commercial preparations to remove corns.
    B、cut toenails by rounding edges.
    C、wash and inspect feet daily.
    D、walk barefoot at least once each day.
  • 4题:
    The nurse is caring for a neonate with congenital clubfoot. The child has a cast to correct the defect.Before discharge, what should the nurse tell the parents
    A、"The cast will be removed in 6 weeks. "
    B、"A、new cast is needed every 1 to 2 weeks. "
    C、"A、short leg cast is applied when the baby is ready to walk. "
    D、"The cast will be removed when the baby begins to crawl. "
  • 5题:

    A、54-year-old female was found unconscious on the floor of her bathroom with self- inflicted wrist lacerations.An ambulance was called and the client was taken to the emergency department. When she was stable, the client was transferred to the inpatient psychiatric unit for observation and treatment with antidepressants. Now that the client is feeling better, which nursing intervention is most appropriate

    A、Observing for extrapyramidal symptoms.
    B、Beginning a therapeutic r
  • 6题:

    A、client who has sustained a head injury is to receive mannitol (Osmitrol) by IV push. In evaluating the effectiveness of the drug, the nurse should expect to find

    A、increased lung expansion.
    B、decreased cerebral edem
    C、decreased cardiac workloa

    D、increased cerebral circulation.