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  • 1题:
     The thing that __________ is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not.
    A. matters 
    B. cares
    C. considers 
    D. minds
  • 2题:
     Anyone __________ in the exam, will be punished.
    A. seen cheat 
    B. seen cheating
    C. saw to cheat 
    D. saw cheating
  • 3题:
    A FArmEr CArElEssly lost An ExpEnsivE golD wAtCh in thE BArn on thE FArm, whErE hE sEArChED For EvErywhErE But in vAin.
    so hE put A 21 on thE gAtE oF thE FArm: whoEvEr FinDs thE golD wAtCh will BE 22 100 DollArs.
    FACing thE 23 oF thE hAnDsomE rEwArD, pEoplE triED thEir BEst to look For EvErywhErE. 24 ,thE grAin wAs pilED likE A hill Along with BAlEs oF 25 , so iF thEy wAntED to FinD thE golD wAtCh, it woulD BE&nBsp;
    likE Fishing For A nEEDlE in thE 26 . wh
  • 4题:
    to miss Doughty
    16 sEptEmBEr 1962, sunDAy
    my DEAr,
    wEll, hErE wE ArE-But not hErE. you ArE in prinCEton,AnD mE in quoguE,AnD AnothEr BrAnD nEw yEAr is ABout to stArt For you. For mE, too.
    it is thE BEginning oF A Big yEAr For you, in mAny rEspECts your BiggEst so FAr. By thE timE, junE ComEs ArounD, you will BE 18, AnD grADuAting From sChool. in thE pAst wEEk or so i hAvE CAllED you
    "kiD", But suBConsCiously i hAvE BEEn Doing thAt BECAusE your kiD DAys ArE
  • 5题:
    thErE ArE CollEgEs thAt hAvE Four-yEAr grADuAtion rAtEs in thE singlE Digits. A 30% rAtE isn' t At All unusuAl, EspECiAlly Among rEgionAl puBliC univErsitiEs.
    iF you ArE Applying to CollEgEs, proBABly your goAl is to gEt A CollEgE DEgrEE. somE sChools ArE muCh morE suCCEssFul At grADuAting stuDEnts thAn othErs. iF thE mAjority oF thE stuDEnts At A CollEgE&nBsp;
    Don' t grADuAtE in Four yEArs, thEn thEy ArE spEnDing morE monEy For A goAl thAt will EvADE thEm.
    whEn y
  • 6题:
    hAir loss CAn BE DEstruCtivE For thE millions oF mEn AnD womEn who ExpEriEnCE it. now sCiEntists ArE rEporting thAt A suBstAnCE From honEyBEE hivEs might ContAin CluEs, For DEvEloping A potEntiAl
    &nBsp;nEw thErApy.
    thEy FounD thAt thE mAtEriAl, CAllED propolis, EnCourAgED hAir growth in miCE. thE stuDy AppEArs in ACs journAl oF AgriCulturAl AnD FooD ChEmistry.
    kEn koBAyAshi AnD CollEAguEs notE thAt propolis is A rEsin—— likE mAtEriAl thAt honEyBEEs usE to sEAl smA