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解析:Which of the following statements a

来源:网考网 2019年07月01日网考网:网络考试学习专业网站


细节判断题。此题较简单,选项的对错可以直接比照原文进行判断。文章说,“One characteristic of folk art,for example,is that it is the product of ordinary people, the folk”。所以A项“民间艺术是研究艺术的职业工作者的作品”是错误的;B项“修饰木梁是民间艺术”是文章的原句:“For example,a per son who decorates his or her home by sculpting the wooden beam that holds up the roof is creating folk art”;C项说“教堂里的画通常被认为是民间艺术”,而文章说的是“paintings on the walls of churches are sometimes considered folk art”,所以是不正确的;文章说听音乐会的人只是听众,不是参加者“Peo ple at a music concert are only listeners,not participants”,而民间艺术的第三个特征就是它是“众人参与的”“A third distinguishing characteristic of folk art is that it is participatory”,所以D“去听音乐会的人是民间艺术的创造者”是错误的。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>
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